Gokhan Gursoy going an event
Gokhan Gursoy joined a kommunity
Gokhan Gursoy going an event
Gokhan Gursoy going an event
Gokhan Gursoy joined a kommunity
Gokhan Gursoy going an event
Gokhan Gursoy going an event
Gokhan Gursoy joined a kommunity
Gokhan Gursoy bought a ticket to
Gokhan Gursoy going an event
MAUI ve MAUI Blazor ile Android/iOS Uygulama Geliştirme Örneği
Gokhan Gursoy joined a kommunity
Gokhan Gursoy bought a ticket to
Gokhan Gursoy going an event
Dijital Dönüşüm Stratejisi olarak Bulutta Yönetilen Konteyner Mimarileri
Gokhan Gursoy bought a ticket to
Gokhan Gursoy bought a ticket to