Adam Gün Yazılım ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Kurucu
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Dive into Tactical Patterns with the Domain Drive Design Guild
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
MAUI Blazor: HTML ve C# ile Mobile ve Desktop Uygulama Geliştirme
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Networking Buluşması (Online): İlgi Alanına Göre Görüntülü Sohbet
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Celal DAĞDEVİREN joined a kommunity
Celal DAĞDEVİREN joined a kommunity
Celal DAĞDEVİREN joined a kommunity
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Celal DAĞDEVİREN joined a kommunity
Celal DAĞDEVİREN going an event
Celal DAĞDEVİREN joined a kommunity