Cloud Native Golang Applications on Kubernetes

In this session, we will use Golang Docker Image distribution to ship to Kubernetes. We will see some best practices about how to prepare kubernetes deployment specs for a typical golang application and how to arrange application configuration by relying on 12-Factor App principles. Main outline will be;

  • Prepare deployment specs
  • Arrange a kubernetes cluster
  • Deploy to kubernetes environment
  • Scale up/down to see how the demory cluster members behave


Previous Events

  1. Single-Node Cluster
  2. Multi-Node Cluster
  3. Network Programming
  4. Advanced Testing with Golang and K8s
  5. Golang Docker Image Automation with Github Actions


Sessions that can help you to be familiar with distributed systems


  1. Understanding Raft Consensus
  2. Raft Consensus Pseudocode
  3. gRPC in Action
  4. Understanding Concurrency in Golang
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
19:00 - 20:00