Websites in the Edge with Content Hub and Next.js + Powershell Reports Processor

November 23th, 2021


  • 12:00 PM – 12:10 PM (Intro)
  • 12:10 PM – 12:55 PM (Build a static website using Sitecore Experience Edge for Content Hub & Next.js - Himadri Chakrabarti)
  • 12:55 PM – 13:40 PM (Powershell Reports: Process & modify items in easy ways - Rodrigo Peplau)



Virtual Meeting. 



  • Rodrigo Peplau


SESSION 1 - Build a static website using Sitecore Experience Edge for Content Hub & Next.js (45 mins)
Sitecore Experience Edge for Content Hub is a delivery platform that provides Content as a Service (CaaS). Next.js is a React-based framework for building high-performance websites using JAMStack architecture. Combining these two technologies we can build exciting digital experiences. In this session, Himadri will discuss how he built a static website using Headless Content Service and Nextjs. The discussion will cover the challenges he encountered, the architecture of the solution, and a live demo with a Q/A


About the Speaker: Himadri Chakrabarti (@himadric) is Senior Director of Technology at Nishtech, Inc. that has been developing software for more than 20 years. Himadri is a technology enthusiast and a 7 time Sitecore Technology MVP with extensive experience implementing online eCommerce and web applications utilizing Digital Experience Platforms. He regularly provides his insight about technology as a blogger and conference speaker. When he is not working with technology, he spends time on photography.



SESSION 2 - Powershell Reports: Process & modify items in easy ways (45 mins)

Sitecore Powershell Reports provides a flexible way to filter Sitecore Items and can be especially helpful with huge Sitecore databases. SPE comes with a good number of reports, and new ones can be easily created. Reporting results are displayed in a tabular format and can be quickly exported in multiple formats. But what if you could also modify these items? Bringing Reports to the next level, I've created this Sitecore Module, that allows processing items in any Report window.

This presentation shows how the module was conceived and implemented in less than 24h, in the last Hackathon, at the peak of the pandemic. You will learn everything about SPE Reports, how to customize them and create your own ones. With the reports, you will learn how to process them, and make the best usage of this module. You will also have fun and enjoy the backstage stories of the recent Hackathon, and how the vibrating Sitecore community was engaging that day.


About the Speaker: Rodrigo Peplau (@SitecoreSinger) is the Head of Altudo Brazil. He works with Sitecore since 2010, and due to community initiatives such as the co-foundation of the Sitecore Usergroup Brazil (SUG-BR), multiple Sitecore modules, and posts, Rodrigo is proudly recognized as a Sitecore Technology MVP since 2016. He is also a 2x Hackathon winner with his team Go Horse. Rodrigo loves to grow Sitecore teams and individuals, with the same dedication and care as he develops precise software solutions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021
17:00 - 19:00