![In pursuit of inclusive digital future: Sitecore considerations](https://media.kommunity.com/communities/sitecore-user-group-columbus/events/in-pursuit-of-inclusive-digital-future-sitecore-considerations-641eec62/28341/2022-01-26-ishraq-2.png?p=event-640)
It is 2022 and we are still in a huge need to increase awareness towards adopting an inclusive approach to designing and implementing websites from the beginning to promote diversity and inclusivity and in the hope of reducing the time spent on remediation work. In this session, Ishraq will be covering some design and marketing strategies that need to be taken into consideration when designing digital solutions. In addition, she will be taking Sitecore SXA toolbox as an example to discuss technical considerations when building for inclusivity.
Ishraq Al Fataftah (@ifataftah) is a 6X Sitecore MVP and the CTO at ApplezTech, a digital customer experience agency based in Amman, Jordan. Ishraq has played the roles of digital consultant, technology evangelist, solution architect, and technical director during her 16 years in the industry. Ishraq enjoys bridging the gap between marketing, businesses, and technology in pursuit of a better diverse inclusive future for everyone.
- Hallo Hallo3 years agoمرحباRead moreRead less
- Maulik Darji3 years agoLink to Join the event is : https://altudo.zoom.us/j/82494354986Read moreRead less
- Maulik Darji3 years agoIf you are having any issues connecting, Ping me on Slack.Read moreRead less