Rust Paris meetup #47

The Rust Paris meetup is back! This time, our host will be Zenika.

Rustaceans of all skill levels are welcome; even people who are just curious about the language can come.

Rust hackers: Want to present to the group? If so, let Guillaume knows so he can schedule and announce the talks. Presentations are preferred to be lightning talks (5 to 10 minutes in length) but long talks (20 to 45 minutes) could also be accepted (to be discussed). Talks are very welcome, and we especially like to know about them in advance.

The meetup itself will start around 7:15 pm. We will convene, do any presentations, and then pizza will be served! After eating we usually just have time for semi-coordinated hacking and socializing.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019
17:00 - 20:00
10 Rue de Milan
10 Rue de Milan, Paris, France
Rust Paris
10 Rue de Milan