Rust Paris meetup #40

Rustaceans of all skill levels are welcome; even people who are just curious about the language can come.

The meetup itself will start around 7:00 pm.

Pizza will be served!

If you have topics that you would like to nominate for discussion at the meetup, tweet each one at @pnkfelix and/or @nicalsilva with the #RustParis hash tag.

Rust hackers: Want to present to the group? If so, let Nical or Felix know so they can schedule and announce the talks. Presentations can be short lightning talks (8 to 15 minutes in length), or long talks (30 to 45 minutes). Talks are very welcome!

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Monday, November 27, 2017
18:00 - 21:00
Mozilla Paris
16 bis boulevard Montmartre, Paris, France
Rust Paris
Mozilla Paris