Let's Rust together!

Mozilla and the Rust community invites everyone in the area of Paris to gather and share knowledge about the Rust programming language.

Rustaceans of all skill levels are welcome; even people who are just curious about the language can come.

The purpose of this Event is to share knowledge, learn about Rust and contribute to existing projects or to the Rust project itself.

Want to present to the group?  If so, let Felix know ahead of time so he can schedule and announce the talks.  We encourage presentations to be short lightning talks (8 to 15 minutes in length).

Meeting Format:

In general we use a variant of Open Spaces meeting format: We start with the lightning talks (if any). Then the participants collectively decides on a set of topic areas to investigate, and splits up into targeted group discussions on those topic areas.

 * We decide on the topics by voting: First everyone gets a chance to nominate a topic by writing it on a post-it note (one topic per note).  Then everyone gets to vote for all of the topics that strike their interest.  Finally, the top four to six topics are announced and assigned to a meeting space.

 * Participants are welcome to move between topic groups as they like.

 * You do not have to be an expert in a topic to nominate it; you just have to be willing to lead the discussion (e.g. ask questions, do web searches, et cetera).

Rust beginners are welcome (as always); Felix often leads a Rust tutorial as one of the targeted group discussions. Bring your laptops so we can help you install Rust and Cargo.

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Monday, October 19, 2015
16:45 - 19:45
Mozilla Paris
16 bis boulevard Montmartre, Paris, France
Rust Paris
Mozilla Paris