Hi everyone,

Sorry for the short notice, but I've scheduled a meetup for next Tuesday, March 20th at 6:00pm. As usual, we'll be at Fellow Co-Working.

We'll have food and drinks (beer and soda) and will take the first 30 minutes or so (5:30 - 6:00 pm) to let people arrive, eat, and socialize. We'll then move on to any talks that have been scheduled.

**This month's working agenda:**

Daniel Johnston, Lead Architect at ClearCare Online, will give an overview of GraphQL, Facebook's open-sourced query language, its use and explain why there is a lot of hype behind it.

**This will be an interactive session, so bring your laptop to follow along and make sure that you have Docker >= 17.06 installed.**

Along the way, Daniel will explain some best practices when using GraphQL in Python, specifically with the awesome Python Graphene Framework, and how the ClearCare Engineering team takes advantage of GraphQL. There will also be a discussion around the lessons they have learned from running GraphQL in production for over a year.

**Call for Contributions:**
If you are interested in giving a presentation/talk in the future, or have an idea/topic you'd like to see covered, please let me know.
I'm hoping to get presenters to give a talk on a topic that interests you. These are very informal and range from as little as 5 minutes up to 30 minutes. Talks can be anywhere on the technical level and on anything python-related you find interesting: a bug or implementation you found problematic, showing what/how you use python, etc.

If you are interested, please send a message to the group or shoot me a DM.

**Slack channel:**
Did you know we have a Slack channel? It's pretty quiet, but it's a convenient place to share information, tips, etc or allow people to ask questions/seek help.

*Click the following link to join:*

Hope to see you all there!


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Wednesday, March 21, 2018
00:30 - 03:30
Fellow Coworking
304 W. Pacific Ave, 2nd Floor, Spokane, United States
Fellow Coworking