Hi all,

It is time to schedule our next monthly meetup. I apologize it took so long to get this on the books, but I'm leaving plenty of time until the meeting to let people schedule. 

We had such a great turnout last meeting that I'm keeping the same day and time. I hope this works well for the most of you. If you can't make it out on Mondays, please send me a message so I can try to plan our next meeting on a day that may work better for you.

Call for Contributions:

Last meeting, we had a fantastic presentation on creating pipelines with generators and co-routines. You can find that code in our Python Spokane Github org: https://github.com/python-spokane

I'm hoping to get one to three new presenters to give a talk on a topic that interests you. It's nothing too formal, just a 10-15 minute talk on something you find interesting, a bug or implementation you found problematic, or even showing what/how you use python. It can be anywhere on the technical level.

If you can present, please send a message to the group or shoot me a DM.

Current Agenda:

• Gotcha! - by Steve Byerly - We'll look at a few fun examples of how the code that's written will produce results you wouldn't necessarily expect.

• F-Strings - by Jim Davidson

• gRPC - by Alan M

Hope to see you all there!


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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
00:30 - 03:30
Fellow Coworking
304 W. Pacific Ave, 2nd Floor, Spokane, United States
Fellow Coworking