We have an exciting meetup scheduled for October! We have several people signed up already for brief 5-minute lightning talks on a variety of topics. Scheduled so far:

• Create a Twitter bot using Twython (Dan Gayle)

• Distributed tasks with threading/multiprocessing/Celery (Steve Byerly)

• GIS with Python (Shawna Ernst)

• Introduction to Ansible (Michael Williams)

If you'd like to give a brief presentation, please let me know or just show up with something to share with the group.

Our last meeting was great, thanks much to Lymelight for hosting it. We'll be shifting our meetings over to the Fellow Coworking space, since a handful of our members are already working out of those offices.

Hope to see you there, and as always, bring your Python-friendly friends :)


Dan Gayle

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014
01:30 - 04:30
Fellow Coworking
107 S. Howard St, Spokane, United States
Fellow Coworking