Discover PiHome and learn in-depth Redis with Python @ XCaliber

Dear PyMalta Members,

First of all, happy friday everyone!

We are excited to unveil the details for our next meetup. This one will again be hosted by our friends at XCaliber, Sliema (see google street view link below).

At this meetup, we have 2 special guests from XCaliber Poland office in Katowice, and have been very kind to present on two interesting topics. Here is the full event agenda:

1. PiHome – home automation done with Raspberry PI and Python (Wojtek Sznapka)
2. Redis - more than a key-value store (Lukasz Dziedzia)

Every talk is followed by a Q&A session. After the talks, there will be time for socializing and grabbing a snack.

Please contact the hosts if you have any questions or suggestions.

XCaliber office, Sliema:,14.5074436,3a,75y,18.82h,78.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDjbL9UCxuu_LvnzY3lBtoA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Follow the door on the left and go one floor up; look for the XCaliber signs to find your way there.

I hope you will all join us next week, for another awesome, python-full, evening.

The PyMalta team,

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017
17:00 - 20:00
12 Triq Tigne, Sliema, Malta