The wonderful folks over at Dutch Media Lab have made their location available again to us for yet another awesome meetup.


19:00 Welcome and Drinks 
19:30 Opening 
19:45 Presentation: Martijn Minnis - The happy path
20:30 Closing and raffle 
20:40 Social & Drinks 

The happy path
80% of all developers admit having written code they're not proud of. The other 20% is lying.

Legacy, technical debt, dirty fixes, we're all familiar with it and we all write it... the code we want to write is usually pressured by deadlines and budgets. In this talk I'll be talking about common situations on which I'd like to share my experiences with you.

This talk won't be covering design patterns or complex technical edge cases. This talk will be about the developer experience, the transition from hobbyist to professional and how to deal with legacy without drowning.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017
17:00 - 20:00
Dutch Media Lab
Van Asch van Wijckstraat 4C, Utrecht, Netherlands
Dutch Media Lab