Lisbon |> Elixir 13th Edition
Hey there fellow Sippers! For this edition we're experimenting with something new. Taking inspiration from the great DevOpsLisbon meetup ( we're trying out our first open space session!

The goal is to have more participation from everyone and discuss real issues and specific topics of interest. There's a wide range of topics we can discuss (ranging from classic ones like deployment to exciting ones like Phoenix LiveView), but please bring your own as well. Don't worry if you don't use Elixir at your company, we'd love to get your opinion on this discussion!

Open Space's guiding principles
"Whoever comes are the right people"
"Whenever it starts is the right time"
"Wherever it is, is the right place"
"Whatever happens is the only thing that could have"
"When it's over, it's over"

Open Space's law of two feet
"If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, go someplace else."

The event starts at 19:00 (and doors open at 18:30). We will also have the customary drinks & snacks.

Take the opportunity to mingle, network and share experiences! Last but not least, please keep submitting your talks for future editions of this meetup! Add a line to the spreadsheet available at or send us a message through Gitter (

Important note: due to building security reasons, we need to have the names of the people attending by the end of the day before the meetup. Please don't forget to RSVP until 23 July.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019
17:30 - 20:00
Rua Alexandre Herculano, 38, 3rd Floor, Lisbon, Portugal