Lisbon |> Elixir 9th Edition
Hey there fellow Sippers! After changing the format on the last edition (where we hosted a nerdy Elixir quiz), we're now back to the regular format.

In this edition we'll have the following talks:

• Talk #1: A Whirlwind Tour of Testing in Elixir
Speaker: Daniel Caixinha – Software Engineer at Onfido

Tests are an integral part of any application. They are a safety net to refactor applications and also great living documentation. Beginning with unit tests, we'll see how to write thorough but also maintainable tests, and how the key to do so is to focus on the message-passing. Moving up the pyramid, we will then go through end-to-end tests, but also component and contract tests. These last two are becoming increasingly important, since it's hard to maintain end-to-end tests in microservice architectures.

• Talk #2: Diving into Merkle Trees
Speaker: Pedro Tavares – Software Engineer at Talkdesk

Introduced by Ralph C. Merkle, the Merkle Tree is a data structure used for efficiently summarizing and verifying the integrity of large sets of data. Due to its unique content validating and performance qualities, they are especially useful in distributed, peer-to-peer systems where the same data should exist in multiple places. Let’s learn how to detect inconsistencies between trees and reduce the amount of transferred data enabling peer-to-peer file sharing by building our own tree with Elixir.

Here's the schedule for the event:

• 6:30PM - 7:00PM – Registration
• 7:00PM - 7:45PM – Talk #1
• 7:45PM - 8:00PM – Mingle over Pizzas & Drinks
• 8:00PM - 8:45PM – Talk #2

Take the opportunity to mingle, network and share experiences! Last but not least, please keep submitting your talks for future editions of this meetup! Add a line to the spreadsheet available at or send us a message through Gitter (

Important note: due to building security reasons, we need to have the names of the people attending by the end of the day before the meetup. Please don't forget to RSVP until 26 March.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
18:30 - 21:00
Rua Alexandre Herculano, 38, 3rd Floor, Lisbon, Portugal