Lisbon |> Elixir 4th edition
The new edition of Lisbon |> Elixir is upon us and we will have two talks by two new speakers:

• Leif Gensert: a freelancer and worker at Qixxit (previously in Solaris Bank, one of ElixirConf EU's gold sponsors), will come to Lisbon to present a talk about Elixir Releases. He will share his experience, tips and guidelines on how to do proper releases in the Erlang Way.

• Daniel Caixinha: from Onfido (a notable user of Elixir), Daniel will give us a talk about testing in Elixir, entitled "The (not so) magic tricks of testing Elixir":

"Tests are an integral part of any application. They not only serve as great living documentation, but are also our safety net when we want to refactor our applications. Thus, it is paramount to be able to test Elixir applications properly. In this talk I will present my journey from Rubyist to Alchemist, describing what I love about testing Elixir applications, what I miss from the Ruby world, and also the best practices we follow at Onfido while testing Elixir applications."


• 18h45 - 19h15: Welcoming the guests

• 19h15 - 19h45: Elixir Releases by Leif Gensert

• 19h45 - 20h00: Coffee Break

• 20h00 - 20h30: The (not so) Magic Tricks of Testing Elixir by Daniel Caixinha

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Thursday, November 23, 2017
19:00 - 19:00
R. Tierno Galvan, Torre 3, Amoreiras, Lisbon, Portugal