About the talk:
In March, Flutter made a huge update and started to support iOS, Android, Web, macOS, Windows, and Linux platforms with their stable channel. It opened up a new excitement for everyone around the world.
But with every excitement, we need to know the limits, possibilities, and learn about how to make a decision about each platform.
In this talk, we will briefly talk about:
- the news from Event
- what are the changes on the platform
- how can you decide if your product is ready to support all platforms or not.
🌎. [Language] English
[Audience] Junior/Middle developers
Salih is a Berlin based Senior Mobile Engineer who is a Google Developer Expert for Flutter and Dart. He likes sharing his knowledge with the people by mentoring aspiring developers, blogging and talking at conferences.
Find him at: Twitter, Github, website
Our infopartners:
👉 devdigest // xamarin (телеграм чат)
👉 TProger https://tproger.ru/events/
👉 Dart & Flutter по-русски (телеграм чат)
👉 Flutter Developers — русскоговорящее сообщество (телеграм чат)
May 5, 2021
The "Flutter 2.0: A version to rule them all" is rescheduled for May 5th.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you all in a week 🤗