
Registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/XXdTa8m7dqXonk1r1

Invites will be out on Friday

Title: Intro to Web Components

Abstract: If you're not already familiar with it, the tern "Web Components" refers to a collection of browser APIs that enable you to write components using vanilla JavaScript, with the browser as your only dependency (and perhaps a few polyfills 😉). In this talk, we'll discuss the motivation for web components, explore the native web component APIs with some examples, and highlight some useful tools for building web components.

Speaker: Hayden is a web developer from Richmond, Virginia who enjoys participating in developer communities of all kinds wherever in the world he might find himself.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hayden_dev
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hayden-braxton-195331a5/

2. Let's Learn Nodejs by Arpan Garg

3. Lighting talks :
- Flash intro to react hooks by Siddhant, a full stack developer, hacking around stuff to create useful and fun stuff, currently an engineering student in India. Online presence is on http://siddhantm.me
Twitter:- @siddhant6969

- "Publishing package on NPM and Importance of building packages" - Himanshu - @himanshu_hd420

- How JSLovers helped Developer - Ashok

JSLovers Team

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