Hey Developers,
Want to learn Reactjs or just not so confident about how to make an app in reactjs....does jargons like props and states confuse you? or the lifecycle of components scare you...then come and join us for this code-lab on reactjs. This code-lab will be only for 10 people on the basis of first come and first serve.

What we will do:
1) What is reactjs?
2) Components
3) React project folder walkthrough
4) Let's make the components
5) Hello props let's talk
6) oh!! the *State*
7) Listing, loops, data in reactjs - handling
8) Debugging of reactjs
9) Make it live now!!

*This is a paid code-lab. Rs 2,500/person. Please paytm at[masked] and whatsapp the transaction id to same number.

What to bring?
- Laptop
- VS Code Editor (preferable)
- Terminal
- Laptop charger
- Notebook
- Water bottle

JSLovers will provide you light snacks + lunch [Feel free to get your own lunch]

Who should join?
- Anyone who want to start with reactjs
- Anyone who is intermediate in reactjs

* Ticket once sold is non-refundable. If JSLovers moved the event or cancel it only in this case JSLovers will refund the ticket.

Questions? Please drop below

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Sunday, June 10, 2018
05:00 - 08:00
https://teams.microsoft.com, London, United Kingdom