• What we'll do
This is a paid code-lab for 10 people only. Price : INR 2000/-

In this code-lab we will create an react - redux app. At the end we ll publish the same on the server too.
1) Introduction of react
2) Components in react
3) Ajax in React
4) Introduction to Redux
5) JSON Data Handling
6) Action+action creators
7) Reducers
8) Creating + Handling Store
9) Connecting components with store
10) Uploading the app

Prior knowledge of Javascript required.
It is fine if you have NO knowledge in Reactjs.

Secure your Seat by doing payTM [masked]

PS: The ticket is non-refundable non-transferable.

• What to bring
laptop, laptop charger, notepad , pen. Food will be provided at code-lab

• Important to know

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