coding berlin returns in July with talks on product catalogues in Elasticsearch & Thinking in Vim. Join us for a cozy, relaxed and hopefully warm (note the title) developers' night at Turbine Kreuzberg (thanks for hosting!).
The Czech ecommerce specialists of Shopsys are dispatching their evangelist David to give a nice deep dive into Elasticsearch features - if you're considering to trash your good old relational database, that's a talk for you! If you're sick of moving a mouse while coding, make sure not to miss Kai König's talk: he'll softly introduce us into Vim's way of thinking so he maybe finally clears up its weird keystrokes that so many people love or hate. We still have a ~30m slot for 3rd talk, so if you feel like you'd like to present something, don't hesitate to drop us a line now :)
18:30 doors open
19:00 intro
19:15 David Ostrožlík (Shopsys): Elasticsearch for Product Catalogues Step-by-Step
We will show you real-life pros, cons, problems, solutions, and examples of how we gradually improved our implementation of the product catalog. You’ll learn how to speed up your already running project by leveraging the strengths of the mighty Elasticsearch.
20:00 Mexican food standoff, proudly served by Chaparro Berlin
~20:15 Kai König (Bitspark): VIM and how to climb the learning circle
We are going down memory lane and try to understand why VI(M) exists and what sets it apart from other editors. With the history straightened up, we learn how to quit VIM and some other advanced tricks as well as the mental modal behind editing files with VIM. Last but not least we are going to look at how to configure VIM and where it makes sense to use and where it doesn't.
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