It’s time. We want to invite you to our next meetup on September 20th, 2017. This time, our goal is to go beyond talks that only demonstrate interesting topics. Instead, we want to enable everyone to actively operate the addressed topics either during the presentations or afterwards.
Three such talks are already prepared.
The first talk is about ChatOps on Heroku.
Heroku introduced their new native Slack ChatOps integration by end of July. We’ll demonstrate its features and the advantages of collaborative, pipelined PaaS deployments. Be sure to bring your device to get your hands dirty while taking part in the talk’s deployment scenario. (You’ll need basic Heroku and Github accounts to join).
The second one covers
ngrok = TaaS (tunnel as a service):
ngrok offers an easy, but secure way to expose your environment through a SSH tunnel to the internet with just some simple configuration. We'll introduce you to the basics and some advanced features.
Talk number three:
Sulu CMS
Together we do our first footsteps with Sulu CMS and create a website based on the Sulu demo.
As always, we encourage you to participate. We have reserved two or three free slots for more hands-on talks of about 20-30 minutes each. If you want to add your topic to the meetup, don’t hesitate to tell us in the comments, a private message or via mail to [masked].
All you need to bring is your laptop and enthusiasm. We’ll provide you with Wi-Fi, beverages and BBQ! We’re looking forward to meet you, RSVP now!
Event Facts: Hands-On Meetup & BBQ
• When: Wednesday, September 20, 19:00
• What: Topics with a hands-on approach (either live or afterwards), exchange about experiences and plans for future hackathons and a BBQ
• Where: Conference room
• Address: Turbine Kreuzberg GmbH (formerly: VOTUM GmbH), Ohlauer Str. 43, staircase C, 4th floor, 10999 Berlin
• You want to do a Hands-On talk? Send an e-mail to [masked]
• Agenda: Doors at 19:00 h, talks start around 19:30 (20-30 minutes each), discussion, BBQ
• Languages: English
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