Introduction to Machine Learning with Google Colab

If you know how to fit a trend line in Excel then you know how to perform machine learning. This is actually called linear regression and is a form of statistical learning which is just another way of "predicting numbers" like predicting house prices or tomorrow's temperature. How would you estimate the market value of a diamond ring or a house?

This month Josh Peak will explore a dataset of prices of diamonds and prices of houses, and figure out the market value using the Python package SciKit-Learn on Google Colab. So all you need is a laptop, web browser and a curious mind.Future workshops we will explore classification and clustering.

It's a BYOC (bring your own computer) event. We will provide power, WiFi and Pizza!

More information at

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Thursday, September 12, 2019
08:30 - 11:30
Dashworks Makespace
1/323 Hillsborough Road, , Newcastle, Australia
Blast Furnace
Dashworks Makespace