Competitive Coding with CodinGame

Competitive coding is gaining popularity as the demand for programmers grow and the tasks they are required to solve become more complex. It’s a mind sport (according to Wikipedia) that is recognised and supported by companies like Google and Facebook.

To boost the competitive coders at the Blast Furnace, this month SAPHI will take us through some examples of online coding challenges using CodinGame followed by some coding comps we all participants can get their name on the Blast Furnace leader board! If you don’t feel like your up to competing no problem, you will be shown how to sharpen your skills solo!

Make sure you have your CYFERLINX account setup to get the points!

It's a BYOC (bring your own computer) event. We will provide power, WiFi and Pizza!

More information at

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Thursday, April 11, 2019
08:30 - 11:30
The Business Centre
6 Dick St, Newcastle, Australia
Blast Furnace
The Business Centre