In the fifth lesson of the Blast Furnace we will explore the two most popular ways people interface with the digital world; computer and mobile devices. As a programmer you will find yourself needing to create your own interfaces, so people can easily use your software. The issue usually is you must decide whether you want to make the interface for computers or mobile. Even with mobile you must make the choice between iOS and Android. Well what if you can write one lot of code that catered for both!

At this month’s Blast Furnace Mudbath will teach us how to create mobile apps for both iOS and Android from a single code base. It is based on web technology, so you can easily convert your project to a website for use on desktops as well!

For those interested in the coding comps we will run 6 competitions and give you plenty of opportunity to accrue points for the blast furnace leaderboard. Make sure you have your CYFERLINX account setup to get the points!

It's a BYOC (bring your own computer) event. As we are doing mobile apps this month it's strongly advised to also bring your smart phone! We will provide power, WiFi and Pizza!

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Thursday, November 8, 2018
07:00 - 10:00
The Business Centre
6 Dick St, Newcastle, Australia
Blast Furnace
The Business Centre