IMPORTANT NOTE: security will be very tight at Messagebird, and you will only be allowed entrance if you are on the list with your OFFICIAL NAME and BRING ANY FORM OF IDENTIFICATION (driver's license, passport, etc). If you don't, you will NOT be allowed in!
So don't forget to make sure we have your official name listed. You can do so by changing your name here on meetup, or messaging the organisers if you are sensitive to your online privacy.

19:00 - Doors open
19:30 - Lightning talk
19:45 - Talk
20:30 - Raffles, and announcements
20:45 - Social, drinks and food

Talk: Async non-blocking code reviews

“It’s not personal” but it _so_ is! Code reviews are still one of the biggest sources of conflict in a team and can delay value delivery by days if not weeks. I’d like to tell you why that is but more importantly hand you a method that will let you focus on what’s important: the work. We briefly touch on the psychological mechanics at work during PRs, look at statistics to fuel decisions around commenting and then combine those two perspectives to create a solid code review etiquette for your team so you can achieve truly async non-blocking code reviews.

Speaker: Frank Koonstra

Backender in an awesome team at Usabilla and obsessed with creating the perfect search engine with the help of Elasticsearch. Into DDD and BDD. Enthusiastic scuba diver and cyclist - obligatory when Dutch. Come talk to me about anything Elasticsearch!

Lightning Talk: Mark Baker with "Deploying straight to Production: A Scientist approach with Experiments"

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Thursday, March 21, 2019
18:00 - 21:00
Trompenburgstraat 2C, Amsterdam, Netherlands