Murat ORNO bought a ticket to
Murat ORNO bought a ticket to
Murat ORNO going an event
Saf Çevikliğin Peşinde: Scrum, Kanban ya da XP Uygulamadan Çevik Olunabilir mi?
Murat ORNO joined a kommunity
Murat ORNO bought a ticket to
Murat ORNO going an event
Custom Distributed Transaction Management Between Microservices
Murat ORNO joined a kommunity
Murat ORNO going an event
Murat ORNO joined a kommunity
Murat ORNO bought a ticket to
Murat ORNO going an event
Kubernetes Hands-On #1: Kubernetes Installation, The Hard Way
Murat ORNO joined a kommunity
Murat ORNO going an event
Murat ORNO going an event
Prometheus ve Grafana ile Metrik Oluşturma ve Görüntüleme (Online)
Murat ORNO going an event
Infrastructure as code (IaC) hakkında merak ettikleriniz - Online Panel