Koray Bostancı going an event
Koray Bostancı going an event
Koray Bostancı going an event
Cloud-Native Applications with Turbine and Kubernetes Deployment
Koray Bostancı going an event
Koray Bostancı going an event
Orchestration-Based Saga Pattern for Microservices with Turbine
Koray Bostancı going an event
Choreography-Based Saga Pattern in Practice for Microservices with Turbine
Koray Bostancı going an event
Koray Bostancı going an event
Koray Bostancı joined a kommunity
Koray Bostancı going an event
Koray Bostancı going an event
Writing Distributed Database with Golang - Advanced Testing for K8S
Koray Bostancı going an event
Koray Bostancı joined a kommunity
Koray Bostancı joined a kommunity
Koray Bostancı going an event