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Erdi UGURLU going an event
Favori AWS Servislerimiz ve Cloud üzerinde SaaS Ürün Geliştirme | RNDCLD TALKS
Erdi UGURLU bought a ticket to
Erdi UGURLU going an event
AWS Live Talks TR #10 - Application Scaling with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
Erdi UGURLU going an event
Kubernetes Hands-On #4: Kubernetes Ingress and Network Policies
Erdi UGURLU going an event
Erdi UGURLU going an event
Ramazan Özel #7: FaaS - Serverless (AWS Lambda) Problemleri ve Çözümleri
Erdi UGURLU going an event
Ramazan Özel #5: Bulutta ve kendi sunucularınızda Kubernetes
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