After five years of awesome meetups and a lot of saying "yes, we want to do a workshop at some point", we're finally at a point at which we can announce the first 010PHP workshop. Yay!

Returning 010PHP'er Pim Elshoff and Joop Lammerts have put together a most-do workshop for anyone who's serious about the work they do as part of a software development team:

TDD, DDD & Teamwork

Do you have difficulties writing effective, helpful tests up front? Have you heard of Domain Driven Design, but are you still unsure when and where to use value objects? Perhaps you've read some books or blog posts, but practical experience can be hard to come by.

TDD and DDD are key skills for team members of highly effective, performant teams. Joop and Pim have done dozens of smaller and larger projects using TDD and DDD. They would love to share these good (and bad!) experiences with you!

In this workshop you will learn the skills of TDD and DDD, and how to apply them effectively in a team. Asking the rights questions, writing useful tests and creating meaningful code. We can't wait to help you grasp TDD, DDD & Teamwork!

We'll do the workshop on a Saturday, in the afternoon. The lovely folks at SIM will open their office doors to us on that day and provide us with ample space, lunch, coffee and some beers after we're done. In its 18 years of existence, SIM has specialized themselves in making it easier, for millions of citizens of the Netherlands, to arrange their affairs with the government online. Where this initially started by providing local governments with websites, it has since grown into a wide portfolio of services that these governments can use to make their online services the best they can offer. SIM's developers obviously use PHP for this, but also don't shy away from building something completely in javascript (Node/React) if that's more suitable.

During the workshop, there's room for up to 20 people who will be working in smaller groups. Would you like to join? Let us know right now!

Requirements to participate:
1. A laptop (one per group, but we can't coordinate who will be in which group beforehand, so please bring yours).
2. That's it! ;)

The schedule for the afternoon:

12:30 - LUNCH!
13:30 - Lotsa learnin'
??:?? - a small drink to celebrate our accomplishments

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Saturday, November 10, 2018
11:30 - 14:30
Innsbruckweg 180, Rotterdam, Netherlands