ABP Community Talks 2022.4: How to contribute to the open source ABP Framework?

In this episode of ABP Community Talks, we asked you to pick the topic and you wanted "How to contribute to open source ABP Framework". ABP Core Team Members and one of ABP Framework's top contributors, Ismail Yilmaz will talk about it.

Join us to learn how to make contribution and ask your questions to our ABP Core Team and a real-life ABP Framework contributor!

  • hello I want to participate
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    • Hi Qasem,
      Thank you for your interest. You can participate with your questions during the talk for this one. For the other talks, we can talk beforehand. Please send me an email from bige.besikci@volosoft.com so I can add you in our potential list.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2022
17:00 - 18:00