Oleg Nenashev - Community Builder and Developer Advocate, Gradle & CNCF Ambassador and Jenkins Core Maintainer
Oleg is a developer tools hacker, community builder and DevRel consultant. He's passionate open source software, open ecosystems and open hardware advocate. Oleg is a core maintainer Jenkins project where he writes code, mentors contributors and organizes community events. He is a CNCF and CDF ambassador, Testcontainers Champion and a former Jenkins Board member and CDF TOC Chair. Oleg has a PhD degree in electronics design and volunteers in the Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation, and in a number of Ukrainian support and Russian anti-war organizations.
He spoke at conferences including Kubecon, Devoxx, DevOps World, cdCon, JavaPoint, DevopsDays, Jenkins World, DevRelCon, Heisenbug, FOSS Backstage, and at many meetups across the world
Thanks to our main sponsor, DefineX, for making this great event happen.
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