Intoruction to Apache Kafka

Title: Intoruction to Apache Kafka


Subject: A Distributed Streaming Platform for Real-time Data Processing


Abstract:  Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming platform that is used to handle large volumes of real-time data. It was originally developed by LinkedIn and later became an Apache Software Foundation project. Kafka allows data to be processed and stored in real-time, enabling businesses to react to events as they happen. It is designed to be fault-tolerant and scalable, which makes it suitable for handling high volumes of data in mission-critical applications. Kafka uses a publish-subscribe model to transfer data between producers and consumers, where data is stored in topics and consumers can subscribe to one or more topics to receive data in real-time. Kafka is a popular choice for building data pipelines and streaming applications and is used by many large organizations for real-time data processing and analysis.


About the Speaker: Veysel Gündüzalp is a 4nd year Computer Science Ph.D. student at University of Inonu. He work at Trendyol. He developed various project of distributed system.

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