Trendyol Tech Meetup - Secrets of a Strong Engineering Culture

We are happy to announce that we will host Patrick Kua to hear about engineering culture, examples of how he has enabled and transformed the engineering culture of many teams and organizations, and how it can positively change the full stack.

Secrets of a Strong Engineering Culture

Engineers today have many choices about where they work. A big determinant is the engineering culture – an aspect that reaches across the full stack. As a technical leader, what can you do to influence, change and build a stronger engineering culture?

In this talk, Patrick will explore the building blocks of engineering culture, share examples of how he has enabled and transformed the engineering culture of many teams and organizations and how it can positively change the full stack.

Unlock the secrets of a strong engineering culture and leave with knowing what areas you can focus on, ideas on what you can implement, and understand how other companies have built strong engineering cultures.

Youtube Broadcast Link:

There will be a live Question & Answer slot at the end of the presentation. Prepare your questions, we are looking forward to hearing from all of you!

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Monday, May 24, 2021
16:30 - 17:30