Svitla Smart Talk: Testing at scale

We'd like to run multiple types of tests - unit tests, end-to-end tests, manual tests, A/B tests. How should we organize them so they are fast and reliable? What to do if we need to handle GDPR-protected data? How can we run those tests when thousands of machines handle the traffic? How to roll back?


In this talk, we'll see how to build a real-life end-to-end testing pipeline used in the biggest companies in the world. We'll start with unit tests running locally in milliseconds, go through correctness tests, regression tests, performance tests, and security tests, and finally end with A/B tests proving that our code is correct and provides a better customer experience. All of that is based on experience with desktop, mobile, service, and machine learning domains at the biggest companies.



Adam Furmanek - Software Developer, Blogger, Public Speaker, Book Writer. Interested in systems programming, .NET and JVM internals, big data, and machine learning. 


Event details:

When - October 10: CDT - 11 PM, PDT - 9 AM
Ukraine - 7 PM, Poland - 6 PM, Mexico - 10 AM, Costa Rica - 10 AM, Argentina - 1 PM.
Duration - 1.5 hours (60 min. Speech + 30 min. Q&A)
Language - English 


All other details will be sent after registration.
Registration is free and mandatory.

  • It's great that there are such useful lectures in the field of testing. But what attracts me even more is that the speaker is interested in machine learning. In this case, I would like to tell you about the company CodeIT , where you can hire machine learning developer . Perhaps Adam will be interested in this and will want to write to them to discuss this topic in more detail. This company has been on the web services market for more than 14 years and during this time has gained a huge amount of experience, so you can easily discuss interesting and complex topics with its specialists.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2023
16:00 - 17:30
Svitla Systems