💬Social Leisure Travel Club Chit Chat: Zoom
Travel Club Zoom Chat

Live Members Only Zoom Chit Chat💬
For Transplants, Natives, Newbies, Wanderers & Wanderlusts💫

*“A long stretch of road can teach you more about yourself than 100 years of quiet”*

**Let’s Talk: Thursday 30, June 6 PM**
Upcoming Events
Social Leisure
International Living
Making Connections
Transient Experiences
Life Transformations
Living where you love
\*Zoom link available for RSVPs\*

***Disconnect: 📱***
*Sometimes, there’s just too much going on and a BREAK is in order.*
*This is where Social Leisure steps in……*

*The Social Leisure Travel Club was created to help people enhance their wellbeing, take agency over their lives and develop meaningful friendships: through travel.*

*Our members are at different stages of life which is why we offer something for everyone. Day Trips, Weekends, Weeklongs, Abroad; you name it!*

***Pause: 🌬***
*Taking a break from the daily hustle and bustle is essential for your mind to relax, recharge and rejuvenate. Disconnect from the day to day and focus on just enjoying yourself…… on a yacht 😉*

*“In a rut” and can’t figure out why?*
*It is well known that travel helps boost creativity and makes you mentally resilient. Exploring new places can also give you a fresh start if you’re recovering from a major transition in your life. It can also help you find new passions and reinvent yourself 🌟*

*Champagne 🥂, Sunny Days, New Adventures & Luxurious Settings are all on your itinerary. RSVP TODAY!*
💝Feel free to support the group💝

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START DATE Thursday, June 30, 2022
Friday, July 1, 2022