Hi All,

It is time to schedule our next monthly meetup. We're going to skip November since I'm trying to hit that empty slot between Thanksgiving and the December holidays.

I'm planning on having actual food at this meeting. We'll take the first 30-45 minutes to let people arrive, eat, and socialize. We'll then move on to any talks that have been scheduled.

We had another great turnout last meeting, so I'm keeping the same day and time since it seems to work well. If you can't make it out on Mondays, please send me a message so I can try to plan our next meeting on a day that may work better for you.

Call for Contributions:

Last meeting, we had two great presentations from Jim and Alan. Jim showed us a lib he's been working on that introduces Py3.6's F-strings into Py2.7. Alan gave us a primer on using the powerful gRPC framework to leverage the RPC protocol in APIs.

I'm hoping to get one to three new presenters to give a talk on a topic that interests you. It's nothing too formal, just a 10-30 minute talk on something you find interesting, a bug or implementation you found problematic, or even showing what/how you use python. It can be anywhere on the technical level.

If you can present, please send a message to the group or shoot me a DM.

Current Agenda:

• Redislite - Lazy loading HTML fragments in Django templates using Lazysizes - by Dan Gayle

Multiprocessing and ArcPy - Data driven pages and python's multiprocessing - by Phil Larkin

Graph Databases - by Reed Jessen

Hope to see you all there!


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Tuesday, December 13, 2016
01:30 - 04:30
Fellow Coworking
304 W. Pacific Ave, 2nd Floor, Spokane, United States
Fellow Coworking