Our next Python meetup will be hosted by NorCom. Here is the plan:

18:30 Doors open, snacks, drinks

19:00 Christoph Neutzel: "Replace Haystack with Elasticsearch_dsl: Fullfill your advanced needs"

Often Python/Django programmers start using Elasticsearch via Haystack. Picking Haystack is made easy by build-in forms, paginators and also the similarity to Querysets. After realizing the limits of Haystack a programmer has to think about switching in order to fulfill his advanced needs. With Elasticsearch_dsl he gets his desired benefits (current version, full access to all features etc) and actually he doesn’t have to do so much complex work to achieve this switch.
Christoph is a Sen. Product Engineer at Pure Labs. He completed a degree in Computer Science of the Chemnitz University of Technology.

19:40 Siddhant Goel: "Managing personal finances using Python"

Keeping track of finances is something every does (or if not, then should be doing). At the end of the day, you'll have a better idea of where your money is coming from and going. There are proprietary tools available to do that, but I'll instead talk about a model that suits software developers a little bit better. This talk will introduce the concept of plain text accounting and double entry book-keeping. We'll then talk about how to implement such a flow using Beancount, which provides an entire suite of tools written in Python to help you manage your financial life from plain text files.

20:10 Lightning talk by Andreas Pawlik

20:30 Drinks & Networking

Feel free to make a lightning talk! It's just up to 5 minutes and a good opportunity to train before doing a real full-slot talk. No need to sign up, just come and do it!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018
16:30 - 19:30
NorCom Information Technology AG
Gabelsbergerstraße 4, Munich, Germany
NorCom Information Technology AG