Can't miss it – experienced speakers from NY and London will be giving talks on Parallel Computing and Natural Language Processing topics. This meetup is rather a bigger one, organized together with Machine Learning group and hosted by Stylight. See details below.

Event is free, reserve your spot fast (no external registration needed).


- Word Embeddings for Natural Language Processing in Python by Marco Bonzanini

In this talk we’ll describe the intuitions behind this family of algorithms, we’ll explore some of the Python tools that allow us to implement modern NLP applications and we’ll conclude with some practical considerations.

Marco is a freelance Data Scientist in London. Backed by a PhD in Information Retrieval, he specializes in search applications and text analytics applications. Active in the PyData community, he helps co-organising the PyData London meet-up.

- Parallelizing Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-Learn with Dask by Ian Stokes-Rees

Dask parallelizes Python libraries like NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn, bringing a popular data science stack to the world of distributed computing. This talk will provide an overview of how Dask works then demonstrate Dask in action, showing how it can be used to transparently scale from a single thread of execution on a laptop to many parallelprocesses running across a cluster. Dask has been used on production systems with over 1000 cores, and works well for computational units in  the millisecond range. 

Ian is a computational scientist at Continuum Analytics, the creators of Anaconda. He has been using Python for 15 years on scientific computing problems ranging from CERN's distributed computing infrastructure (PhD at Oxford) to protein structure studies (postdoc at Harvard Medical School). Today he helps organizations adopt Anaconda and Python as a strategic platform for data science. 


18:30: Doors open, snacks and drinks

19:00: Word Embeddings for Natural Language Processing in Python

19:40: Break

20:00: Parallelizing Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-Learn with Dask

20:40: Drinks & Networking

See you!

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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
17:00 - 20:00
Nymphenburgerstr. 86, Munich, Germany