Time flies when you're having fun! We celebrate another month by having another meetup. This time we're visiting our friends at PinkWeb again, together with Robert Slootjes as our speaker.

We're diverting slightly from PHP as we'll be talking about serverless this month. Let's see what all this fuzz is about, shall we?

19:00 Welcome
19:30 Robert Slootjes - Introduction to Serverless
20:30 Closing and raffle
21:10 Social & Drinks

Introduction to Serverless
Serverless does not mean there are no servers; those are only just hidden from you. Scale with ease without provisioning server and without paying for idle...is this for real? Yes it is! After this talk you will understand why serverless architecture is great and you will be excited to create your own serverless solutions to make your life easier. And last but not least...it's lot's of fun!

Robert Slootjes
Technical Director at MediaMonks HQ specialized in backend development. Has spoken at many events in the last years and always excited to share knowledge with other developers.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2019
17:00 - 20:00
Grote Spui 39, Utrecht, Netherlands