I would make a joke about May the 4th but I already did that a year ago...
We are lucky to have two talks this month! Both Jeroen van der Gulik and Stefan Koopmanschap will be sharing their knowledge. They will be doing their brand new talks for phpDay 2018, so don't miss out on this one! It's basically a free conference.

Enrise will be sponsoring a location again this time, and we promise no more TV issues!


19:00 Welcome and Drinks
19:30 Stefan Koopmanschap - Don't Stop Learning
20:30 Jeroen van der Gulik - The way we teach tech
21:15 Closing and raffle
21:30 Social & Drinks

Stefan Koopmanschap - Don't Stop Learning
The world of technology evolves constantly. Every day we as developers do not learn something new, we fall behind. We should never stop learning. There are so many reasons for learning and ways of learning, Let’s find out which.

Jeroen van der Gulik - The way we teach tech
Starting your journey as a programmer can be daunting and overwhelming. There is so much to learn, so many contradicting sources of information, and so many different opinions about everything. Most of the time we don’t get the answers we need or want, but we get vague options that don’t really help us all that much. In this talk I discuss the problems we face when teaching others, the problems we face as an industry in a disparity between juniors and seniors and how we can vastly improve the way in which we teach our peers and educate our juniors.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018
17:00 - 20:00
Grote Koppel 7, 3813AA, Utrecht, Netherlands