HackerConf.stream is a live technical cyber security conference, that is going to be held at https://www.twitch.tv/mdisec at 22 May 2020, 9:59 GMT+3.
When the time comes, HackerConfStream will be live at https://www.twitch.tv/mdisec . It would be wise to visit /mdisec and follow the channel. Yep, that's it.
- Chloé Messdaghi @ChloeMessdaghi - [EN] Key Note: We Need Rights
- Barkın Kılıç @Barknkilic - [TR] Bir Red Team Serüveni
- Usama Saqib - [EN] Deep Dive into Binary Genetics: Detecting code re-use by CFG analysis
- Ahmet Bilal Can @0xabc0 - [TR] Hacking Android Games For Fun & Profit
- Utku Şen @utkusen - [TR] Halka Açık Ekran Görüntülerinde "Image Processing" ile Hassas Veri Arama ("ShotLooter")
- Hossam Mohamed @_wazehell - [EN] Windows Firewall is Enabled By Default: Exploiting Microsoft Protocols
- Alparslan Akyıldız - [TR] Siber Puzzle Tehdit Avı: Bir APT Saldırısının Analizi
- Tunahan Aydınoğlu5 years agoMDIsec ve tüm sponsorlara teşekkürler ...Read moreRead less