![Mastering AWS - Building Scalable Systems](https://media.kommunity.com/communities/livecodingturkey/events/mastering-aws-building-scalable-systems-e6fbb2d4/51895/mastering-aws.png?p=event-640)
In this session, we will build scalable systems in AWS by designing first, then creating it using Auto-Scaling Groups. As always, we will draw the architecture together first, then we will create the actual system by using ASG and Launch Configurations. Finally, we will introduce a huge load to this system to see how it scales up and down.
- Anıl Özselgin2 years agoEtkinlik zamanı sabah gözüküyor. Doğru mu?Read moreRead less
- Hüseyin BABAL2 years agoSabah sitede bir problem vardi, haber verdigin icin tesekkurler tarihi guncelledimRead moreRead less