Build Your Own Cache with LinkedList in Go

In this session, we will be mastering how cache strategy works in theory, then refresh our knowledge about LinkedList, finally we will implement our own cache structure in Go. After this session, you will not be only familiar with caching strategies, you will be able to architect your cache solutions for your products.


Previous Events

  1. Single-Node Cluster
  2. Multi-Node Cluster
  3. Network Programming
  4. Advanced Testing with Golang and K8s
  5. Golang Docker Image Automation with Github Actions
  6. Cloud Native Golang Applications on Kubernetes
  7. Architecting a SaaS Product from Scratch on GCP
  8. SaaS Automation with Terraform
  9. Skip List Data Structure, Improved Search
  10. B-Trees and Database Indexing


Sessions that can help you to be familiar with distributed systems

  1. Understanding Raft Consensus
  2. Raft Consensus Pseudocode
  3. gRPC in Action
  4. Understanding Concurrency in Golang


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Wednesday, December 8, 2021
19:00 - 20:00