Lisbon |> Elixir 11th Edition
Hey there fellow Sippers! After having our Phoenix workshop last month, we're now back to the regular format.

In this edition we'll have the following talks:

• Talk #1: Kubernetes & Elixir in Production
Speaker: Ricardo Brazão – Software Engineer at Onfido

One thing that machines are way better than humans, is in doing repetitive jobs. Humans aren't made to do the same job over and over again for long periods of time. That's why we'll see how to do it in Elixir with the help of K8s.

• Talk #2: Don't let it crash without these types of testing
Speaker: Tiago Sousa – Principal Engineer at Talkdesk

Richard Gabriel once wrote about the rise of "Worse is Better" in constrast with the "Right Thing" (aka the MIT approach): both of them strive to design systems towards Simplicity, Correctness, Consistency and Completenes. By keeping Simplicity paramount and the economical factors that come out of it, he argues "Worse is Better" has better survival characteristics. It was 1991 and his examples were C and UNIX. Erlang was still in the lab and the BEAM in someone's head, but the "Let it Crash" mantra embraces the same mentality: simple building blocks not to be mistaken with incorrect, inconsistent or incomplete systems. This talk will go over the two types of testing you can and should use to avoid the pitfalls of letting it crash outside of your control and how they work through the unknowns of distributed systems to provide a safety net. How can property-based tests and load-tests help you get the limits of your systems before your customers do? How to start doing them gradually and in a practical way? A tale of our experience using them at Talkdesk.

Here's the schedule for the event:

• 6:30PM - 7:00PM – Registration
• 7:00PM - 7:45PM – Talk #1
• 7:45PM - 8:00PM – Mingle
• 8:00PM - 8:45PM – Talk #2

Take the opportunity to mingle, network and share experiences! Last but not least, please keep submitting your talks for future editions of this meetup! Add a line to the spreadsheet available at or send us a message through Gitter (

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019
17:30 - 20:00
Premium Minds
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 125, Lisbon, Portugal
Premium Minds