Nodejs Sunday with Nodejs-dev meetup

Hey JSLovers,

Spend a day to learn and interact with developers in Delhi/NCR.
We are not just going to talk about Javascript but also Nodejs.

#1 - Welcome and Introduction of communities
Community is all about coming together to share and learn from each-other. This meetup is the collab with the Nodejs-Dev meetup . Core team will be joining us to share about them. Do join their group too.

#2 - [Talk] Event Loop in Nodejs
"Being based on single-threaded language Javascript, nodejs still can handle 10000 concurrent requests. That's because of event-loop. I will share insights on how event loop handles your requests asynchronously using Event stack and Queue." - Mukul Jain [ ]

#3 - [TALK] AST - Abstract Syntax Tree
"Abstract Syntax Tree is a fundamental concept which has now become the basis of most of the tools we use as JS developers. Understanding ASTs brings a whole new dimension to how we use and create JS tools.
This talk will be an introduction to ASTs. What they are; How they work and how to use them in JS!" - Rahul Gandhi [

#4 - [Show and Tell] - ML in Web - Yomesh

#5 - Networking!!

Who can join?
This is a free event but invite only. Forms ll be open for registration. Any developer who is curious to learn and meet fellow developers (JS) in Delhi/NCR they can join .

Registration form :

Happy learning!!

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Sunday, July 1, 2018
05:00 - 08:00
The Circle
Huda City Centre Metro Station, Sec-29, Gurgaon, India
The Circle