• What we'll do
Last year we did ReactCamp in Microsoft. Which was a huge success and now we are back with ReactCamp for 2018. Block your calendar to learn with us!!

#1 Universal React app with Nextjs [Talk 20 mins + 10 mins Q&A]
Want to know how to develop the SEO friendly Reactapp? Then learn how Nextjs is helping developers in building the SEO friendly apps. SPEAKER:
Neha Sharma - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nehha/

#2 Browser Rendering Optimization and React [Talk 20 mins + 10 mins Q&A]
A short talk on how browser understands, builds and displays DOM, how we can optimize our code to get "app-like" user experience, how chrome devtools and React can help in achieving this

Karanbir Kajal - https://www.linkedin.com/in/karanbirkajal/
Mayank Kumar - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mayanktg/

#3 Webpack, making React easy for browsers and developers! [Codelab 40 Mins]
How to setup and configure webpack for React development and come up
with your own starter kit/boilerplate

Ashok Dey - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashokdey/

Register Here: https://goo.gl/forms/WzDb3igIaWr8BQGt1

• What to bring
Passion to Learn
Laptop (Fully charged)

• Important to know
We have limited seats and this is on invite based only. Filling form is mandatory.

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