PHPKonf 2024

PHPKonf, the premier event of Istanbul PHP, is a landmark for PHP enthusiasts around the globe. Now stepping into its 10th year, this annual conference is renowned for its dedication to spreading knowledge and building connections within the PHP community.

The presentation language of the PHPKonf will be Turkish.

In past editions, we've been honored to host numerous international figures such as Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP, Fabien Potencier, the inventor of Symfony, and Taylor Otwell, the mastermind behind Laravel, amongst others. Our event has welcomed thousands of attendees in Istanbul, becoming a central meeting point for the PHP community.

This year, we invite you to join us on May 11th at IPA Florya Campus. Engage with the PHP community, broaden your skills, and experience the incredible city of Istanbul. Immerse yourself in a day of insightful talks and interactive sessions with leading minds in PHP.

Join us at PHPKonf, where PHP meets Istanbul.

What is İstanbul PHP?

A volunteer-run group with a decade-long commitment to empowering the PHP community. We organize regular meetups and our signature annual conference, PHPKonf. Together, we delve into the PHP world, sharing knowledge and experiences. Join our journey, and become a part of the vibrant PHP ecosystem in Istanbul.




May 11, 2024

7:45 AM - 8:20 AMTrack 1
Keynote: 2024'de PHP ◦ Emir Karşıyakalı
Emir Karşıyakalı
8:30 AM - 9:05 AMTrack 1
Sharding ve Partition: Gerçek Dünya Örnekleri ◦ Yasin Çetintaş
Yasin Çetintaş
9:15 AM - 9:50 AMTrack 1
Utilizing Reflection API for Enhanced API Documentation and Code Analysis ◦ Selim Can Caba
Selim Can Caba
10:00 AM - 10:35 AMTrack 1
Geçmişten Günümüze PHP ◦ Onur Coşkuner
Onur Coşkuner
10:35 AM - 11:15 AMTrack 1
Öğle arası
11:15 AM - 11:50 AMTrack 1
PHP İle Gelişmiş Cli Worker ve Event Yönetimi ◦ Beytullah Gürpınar
Beytullah Gürpınar
12:00 PM - 12:35 PMTrack 1
12:45 PM - 1:20 PMTrack 1
Building a State Machine in 2 Days ◦ Ozan Akçora
Ozan Akçora
1:30 PM - 2:05 PMTrack 1
From Chaos to Control: The Concept of State Machines ◦ Muhammet Us
Muhammet Us
2:15 PM - 2:50 PMTrack 1
7:45 AM - 8:20 AMTrack 2
8:30 AM - 9:05 AMTrack 2
Vector Search Technologies with PHP ◦ Haydar Külekçi
Haydar Külekçi
9:15 AM - 9:50 AMTrack 2
TBA ◦ Güven Atbakan
Güven Atbakan
10:00 AM - 10:35 AMTrack 2
FrankenPHP ile Alışkanlıklarımızı Değiştirelim ◦ Mert Şimşek
Mert Şimşek
10:35 AM - 11:15 AMTrack 2
Öğle arası
11:15 AM - 11:50 AMTrack 2
How to scale your PHP Application? ◦ Emin Çimen
Emin Çimen
12:00 PM - 12:35 PMTrack 2
MVC Örgüsünde Kod Üreteçleri Kullanarak Nesne Odaklı Bankacılık Altyapısı Geliştirmek ◦ Can Yolal
Can Yolal
12:45 PM - 1:20 PMTrack 2
ADODB Kullanarak PHP'nin Veri Tabanlarından Bağımsız Çalışmasını Sağlamak ◦ Sibel Kuzgun Akın
Sibel Kuzgun Akın
1:30 PM - 2:05 PMTrack 2
Rising with Security in PHP: Best Practices and Tips ◦ Gökhan Çakırman
Gökhan Çakırman
2:15 PM - 2:50 PMTrack 2


Emir Karşıyakalı

Founder & CEO, Kommunity

Mert Şimşek

Software Developer, Softquo

Onur Coşkuner

Director of Engineering, Jotform

Sibel Kuzgun Akın

Founder and General Manager, Yakamoz Software

Emin Çimen

Platform Engineer, Trendyol

Ozan Akçora

Founder, RG Labs / Butterfly

Yasin Çetintaş

Lead Back End Developer, Next4biz

Muhammet Us

Software Development Manager, Karaca

Beytullah Gürpınar

Head of Engineering, Teknasyon

Haydar Külekçi

Senior Software Engineer, EPAM

Selim Can Caba

Senior Software Developer, Wingie Enuygun Group

Gökhan Çakırman

Software Developer, Medianova CDN

Can Yolal

Backend Developer, Bunq

Güven Atbakan

CTO, Moneo

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