Spring meetup: walk & picnic at Green Lake

Hello, IRE / NICAR and watchdogs of Washington,


We’re holding our spring meetup on Saturday, April 20, for a casual walk & picnic around Green Lake in Seattle. 


We’ll meet at 12 noon at the Green Lake Community Center, by the basketball court, and then walk and talk our way around the lake (roughly 45 minutes or so, depending on how engrossed you get in conversations and how fast you walk). Bring a bag lunch or snack, and a blanket or towel, and we can picnic afterward. There are also coffee places, restaurants and bars in the area for afterward. (A favorite of The Seattle Times food team is the sandwich shop Layers, open 9-3.)


There’s parking at the Community Center, in the Green Lake commercial area and at various places around the lake. 


Wear an IRE T-shirt if you have one. 


If it’s going to be raining hard, we’ll cancel. 


We’re especially interested in welcoming students, so if you have student groups you’ve worked with, or professors or mentorships programs you’re connected to, please share this invite. You don’t need to be an IRE or NICAR member. Anyone working in investigative, data and watchdog journalism or looking to move into it is welcome. 


We ask that you RSVP on this Kommunity site so we can track how many to expect. All attendees must abide by the IRE code of conduct, which is also linked on this site. When you RSVP in Kommunity, you can add your place of work, slack, social and email info so group members can contact each other. 


Looking forward to seeing you,


--Co-chairs Laura Greanias (The Seattle Times) and Ashley Hiruko (KUOW)

Can’t find us at the walk? Call Laura at 310-709-2844 or Ashley at 509-733-9139

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Green Lake Community Center