Anticipatory, Chronic Illness or Pet Grief Virtual Grief Support Group

An OPEN free virtual peer-led grief support group for
People experiencing


Anticipatory Grief:
Anyone facing the eventual death of a loved one or their own death.


Chronic Illness Grief,




Pet Loss, Friend Loss, Extended Family Loss & Others


Must Register at link below:


NO Auditors, Student Observers or PROMOTERS of ANY Website, People, Services, Products are allowed. VIDEO must be on at all times during the meeting and No Phone/Audio Only Participants. Thank You.

Chat via zoom:

If interested in participating in any of these group meetings, please read next steps below:

  1. People Confirmed for any of these groups: All groups have people who pre-register at the zoom link below, but do not indicate their participation here, so the number of people signed up for the group meeting here is not the total number of people who may have already have signed up for it.
  2. Pre-Register & Test Access PRIOR to Virtual Gathering via ZOOM VIDEO
  3. Once you pre-register, you will get a confirmation email with log in information


Quiet Setting/Low Visual Motion for Virtual Group Meeting:

  • In order to better enjoy these meetings yourself and the other members of the group,please choose a quiet setting to join the meeting from prior to logging into the meeting. While in the meeting, please keep your speaker on mute and un-mute when you would like to share with the group.
  • If your location setting, due to noise or too much visual motion, is too disturbing for the group leader and/or rest of the group, you will be asked to leave the group and rejoin when you are in a better setting. Thank You.

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START DATE Sunday, April 28, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024